

Gabrielle M. Schroeder


February 17, 2024

I created this system for the Genuary 2024 prompt “In the style of Vera Molnár” - it is inspired by her work La Ciotat. Since La Ciotat is also a French coastal town, as homage to Molnár’s work, I’ve named my pieces after some of the coastal locations that I’ve visited in the UK. The Lindisfarne pieces are the most similar to La Ciotat. The name of the system as a whole - Coastlines - also references the thin, vertical lines that are the building blocks of each piece as well as the frequent naturalistic imagery (e.g., hills or beaches).

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Set 1: Lindisfarne

Set 2: Holyrood Park

Set 3: Pentland Hills

Set 4: Whitley Bay

Set 5: Tynemouth

Set 6: Llanddwyn

Set 7: North Shields